How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
Psalm 139:17-18
New International Version (NIV)
My mind never stops working, but I am like a tiny cell in the vastness of God's thoughts. God is thinking about you and me and everyone of us on this Earth. And His thoughts extend infinitely beyond even that. I can't even begin to fathom the extent of God and His awesomeness.
Just the other day I was thinking about the ideas that enter my mind throughout the day. As one who writes, I continually look for inspiration to draw upon to transfer to the pages of the blogs that I maintain. I puzzled over the suggestion that I've heard made by some that they have a difficult time thinking of things to write about. Are they not tapping into the wellspring of the infinite inspiration that God can provide?
I feel that God has given me the blessing of bringing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge to my readers and those in the periphery of my readership. I don't feel like this statement is a trivialization of God in any way because I truly believe that this Challenge has opened up doors of inspiration, fellowship, and opportunity to bloggers across the world. It is a time when we can get our messages out to those who may be reading them.
This blog--A Few Words--has been entered onto the sign-up list for the A to Z Challenge in April. On Sundays (except for the April 1st Challenge start date) I will continue to present my comments about verses from Psalms. During the rest of the month I will be reviewing Christian music artists or music and presenting video clips as examples.
There are so many ideas I could have used, but since Psalms is so closely tied with the topic of music I thought this would be an appropriate approach to take. I hope you will be with me during April and enjoy what I have to offer you.
Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
proclaim his salvation day after day.
1 Chronicles 16:23
New International Version (NIV)