Sunday, May 13, 2012

Christ for All

BibleBible (Photo credit: Light from Light)

Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns. 
    The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; 
    he will judge the peoples with equity.

Psalm 96:10

New International Version (NIV)

         Who have you told?  Do you ever tell other people about Jesus Christ?  Have you ever been a defender of your Christian faith?   Are you thankful for the freedoms you enjoy to worship as you please?

         We in the United States and most other Western nations have been fortunate in the relative freedom we have to believe what we want to believe with virtually no persecution.  Sure, we might deal with some verbal barbs that might get thrown our way, but we can still go to church, listen to religious radio or television programs, read our Bibles, and freely discuss among ourselves our faith without fear of imprisonment, torture, or even death.  The day will come, but fortunately we are not there yet.

      This thought crossed my mind this past week.  As I was visiting some of the blog posts that I had missed during the April A to Z Challenge I ran across a post by Philips Verghese Ariel which moved me.  This man's defense of my faith was so wholehearted and sincere that it gave me pause to think.

      I hope you will stop by to say hello to PV Ariel and thank him for his post.

So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.

2 Timothy 1:8

New International Version (NIV)

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  1. Hi Arlee,

    What a pleasant surprise is this!!!
    I am much elated to read this post while browsing thru today's post of my followers from my dashboard.
    Without even giving a hint to me you mentioned my post and myself
    Thank you so much for your concern towards the believers in Christ.
    Keep up the good work.
    I am re-posting it in my blog,
    Hope you don't mind.
    Thanks again
    Best Regards

  2. I love this post, Arlee. You challenge us to share our faith in Jesus and in doing so, declare your own. We are kindred spirits, Arlee. Thank you for your dedication to blogging and for using it for Jesus.

  3. I want to look at PV Ariel's post again. So much there, thank you for pointing it out. We Christians do take our faith for granted. I don't feel called to evangelization, but do live my faith as best I can. I want my blog to be a positive influence for God, in a non-preachy way. I have some non-believers who read it, and I want to convey God's love for all, and on occasion, write about God. So glad I found this blog of yours!

  4. Betty -- I know what you're saying. I will stop by your other blog.

    Phil-- I was so pleased and impressed to see your post that I felt compelled to share it.

    Pam -- I try to do here what I fall so short of doing in my daily life.

    Mare -- Like you I don't feel a call to evangelize in an overt way but from the beginning of my blogging experience I wanted to convey a message in a way that would not label me so that I would be overlooked as "one of those people". This is why I started this separate blog. I'm not ashamed to declare my faith and make no effort to hide this blog, but there is a time to every purpose as a wise man once said. I'm glad you found this blog and hope others do as well. And more than anything I hope I will have a few words now and then that we be meaningful to someone out there.


  5. I have read many accounts of followers of Jesus around the world who are jailed, tortured, and even killed for their faith today. I pray that I will always stay strong to my beliefs like they do. Great post, and I will check out the blog you mentioned.

  6. You have several blogs that you keep up to, and not sure how you do it but they are all great. If anyone deserves the Kreative Bloggers Award it would be you so, stopping thru to let ya know that I am sharing the blogging love of a blog award to you. Stop by to collect. :)


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