Sunday, January 20, 2013

Do You Really Need Church?

A Different Church Building
A Different Church Building (Photo credit: justshootingmemories)
I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go into the house of the Lord.”

Psalm 122:1

New King James Version (NKJV)

         Are you a traditional church goer?  Or perhaps you go to church at non-traditional times like Saturday night for instance or celebrate the Lord in a place other than an actual church.  Then again, you might find church meetings boring or ritualistic and prefer a learning environment like a Bible class or the informality of a Bible study group.

          And then there may be those of you who eschew any semblance of organized religion.  Some see it as phony or a gathering of hypocrites.   Who really needs a bunch of holier-than-thou types looking down their noses waiting for others to fall?  Is that the way you see church?

          Many of us have had bad church experiences and would prefer to just sleep in on Sunday mornings or do something more fun than going to church.  Others may find themselves too busy for church and would prefer to get other things done.  Church often seems to be the same old things week after week.  If we really feel the need for church we can watch it on television without becoming involved with others or even leaving the house.

           Have you considered that maybe you are the biggest part of the problem?   Church is after all the body of believers who meet together in worship, prayer, and study.   Are you waiting for someone else to spark your inner flame?   Isn't God enough?

           If you are one of the many who have stopped going to church for any of the reasons mentioned here or for whatever reasons you may come up with, you may want to give church another look.   Church is what the members make it.   Church is for you, your children, your family, your friends--for everyone who wants to honor God.

           Church is your privilege.  Be thankful that you have the opportunity to attend a church that you choose.  One day you may not have that choice.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25

New International Version (NIV)

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  1. Even those of us who never miss church sometimes groan inwardly when another Sunday morning rolls around, forgetting what a privilege and opportunity God has given us. Thanks for the firm reminder, Lee!

  2. Oh my Arlee how I needed this reminder of what a privilege it is to gather in God's house. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

  3. Not really into church anymore; I can't seem to find one that agrees with my beliefs and has good fellowship. I still talk to God a lot, though. I'm just a lot more informal about it. :)

  4. Elizabeth -- I used to be the same way. I got so burnt out on church as I was growing up and going because my parents made me go. I tried going back a few times over the years. My turnaround came after I had my kids and decided they should get exposure to religion. They liked the church we went to and I was glad of my decision. I too began to get more out of it than I did in the churches I had previously attended

    I now attend regularly and go to a Bible study. It's a very small church and the study groups are very deep. They're almost like college classes which is probably due to the fact that the leader/teachers are either teachers at a college or students working on masters degrees in theology. Even though they are tough classes and the sermons in church are more in depth than what I'd ever experienced before, it's very satisfying for me as it is what I've always looked for in a church.

    Keep looking. There's something out there for you I'm sure.



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