Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
English Standard Version (ESV)
Most Christians are well aware of the battle that goes on to win over the minds and souls of our children. It's a tough war between the forces of the spiritual and the worldly and unfortunately the world seems to be the victor in many cases. What our children are learning now will impact the way they think when they reach adulthood and that mindset will influence what they pass on to their own children and grandchildren.
The entertainment media encourages the secular while turning its back on the spiritual realms. Many children grow up with a negative view of that which we typically term "religious" while others never understand the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, what that means to them, or anything about the history that is depicted in the pages of the Bible.
Many people see the Bible as a boring book of genealogies, difficult rules, and history that they don't relate to. Kids often would prefer to read about wizards, vampires, and subject matter with an underlying evil pervading the stories. Parents need to take control of what their children are viewing and reading.
There are options out there that will lay the groundwork for Biblical teaching in a way that is fun and alluring to the impressionable minds of the young. Sugarcoating the seriousness of life can help children absorb meaningful lessons that will influence them in years to come.
Dan Holom, a friend of mine for fifty years, has written a very fine children's book Sleepy Sheepy and Daniel. This is a fun retelling of the famous story of Daniel and the faith that caused him to be sent to the lions den where he was unharmed due to God's protection. The story is retold with humorous animal characters who learn the meaning of love, trust, and faith.
Delightfully illustrated by acclaimed animation artist Mark Henn, the story is geared toward children but told in an intelligent manner that adults will appreciate. This book is part of a planned series of similar Sleepy Sheepy tales that Dan hopes to have out in the near future. The dream of publishing this series is partly dependent on the sales of this current book.
Sleepy Sheepy and Daniel has just recently been made available as an e-book on Amazon. Those of you with children or who know children that you would like to see gain a love for the stories of the Bible can play an important role in helping Daniel Holom achieve his dream of producing this book series by purchasing the book and encouraging others to do so as well. Also passing this information to others can help tremendously.
Please visit the Amazon listing for this book to read more about it. If you do obtain a copy of the book I hope you'll review it to help give the author a boost. Those of you who are authors understand the importance of reviews especially on Amazon.
Help an upcoming author, but most importantly teach our children about the Word of God. This is learning that will impact them for eternity.
2 Timothy 3:14-15
English Standard Version (ESV)
We share all kinds of things with our kids, wanting them to learn the "important" stuff. This helps teach the MOST important "stuff". Thanks for the recommendation, Arlee! Can't beat the price for a God-inspired book--$1.99!
ReplyDeleteWhen you love someone, you give them the best gifts you can find. Most of those are insignificant by worldly standards. True treasures come from the heart and are given from a love that knows no bounds. I enjoyed this post, Lee, and couldn't help but share it :)
ReplyDeleteSounds great! Is this a good one to read to a 3 year old?
ReplyDeleteHi Arlee,
ReplyDeleteHow are you?
Nice to be here again.
I am so sad i, I am very late here to read this review.
Yes, these days children need such a book. Thanks for sharing this.
Have good and godly day
Keep informed
~ Phil