Sunday, November 9, 2014

What Keeps You Energized?

High tension line in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
High tension line in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When I asked for your help,
you answered my prayer
and gave me courage.

Psalm 138:3
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

         The other night while I was alone in the house, the power went out.  

          My wife had gone to visit her daughter for a few days leaving me on my own with some "bachelor" time.   On Friday evening I was prepared to have a relaxing evening of watching old movies on television and spending some catch up time on the computer.   I was all psyched up for my personal time as I prepared a small dinner to enjoy as I watched the tube.   Then the lights went out.

          Actually the lights didn't go completely out, but they were very dim.   The radio was still working fine, but every other appliance, the televisions, and my computers were all off.  It wasn't really a black-out, but there was a definite lack of energy.  I'd experienced black-outs before though nothing quite like this low power ebb.  Everything was out for about ninety minutes and then suddenly everything was back up and running like normal.

         Losing the energy like that made me feel a little helpless.  I had faith that the power company would tend to the problem and all would be well in short order.  As it turned out, this was the case.  What if the power outage had lasted longer, perhaps through the night and into the next day?   In the end I didn't have to find out what might have happened and that was fine with me.

          God is our spiritual power company.   He provides the energy, but it's up to us to know how to use it and keep the power coming in.  With faith that stays strong we can have a direct line from the source of all energy of the universe.  If we keep the prayer lines open to the Lord we will get the answers we need.  They may not come over a phone line or be as clear as any message that we are used to getting.  God's ways can be mysterious, with messages delivered in miraculous ways or even as plain as words passed casually in a conversation with a friend.   We don't always know the messenger, but if we're paying attention we will receive the Message.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Ephesians 6:10
New International Version (NIV)


  1. We call what happened in your area "brown outs" and they are very hard on electronics. I sometimes experience spiritual "brown outs" when I don't plug in to the Power Source like I should. Great analogy, Arlee!

  2. Loved your post, as always. Whenever the power goes out I immediately want a cup of coffee, and wonder how long it will be till I can have one, lol! Thankfully we can always go to God with our cup held high and get exactly what we need!

  3. This reminded me of a post I just read from a Christian lady having a time of it with an issue God seems to be "ignoring her" on. I would venture to say that while He is our power company, we have a couple of responsibilities- to pay the bill so the power keeps coming our way, and making sure we got our appliances plugged in properly. I mentioned to her both of these, phrased as, "what is the motivation in your prayer" and "Are you shutting out the answer God is giving you?"


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