Monday, April 22, 2013

S.O.S.: Sowing of Seeds

The photo depicts the Sowing the Seeds icon fr...
The photo depicts the Sowing the Seeds icon from the Greek Catholic Cathedral of Hajdúdorog, Hungary. It was painted on the end of the 18th century by unknown painter (most probably by Mihály Mankovics). The painting decorates the pulpit of the cathedral. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

       Throughout the month of April this blog is on a mission.   The theme is Salvation.   I am not presenting a deep study of salvation, but sowing some seeds to call upon you to study more about the topic.

         There are many out in the world who are desperately lost.  They are sending out their distress calls in hopes that someone will hear and bring them the help they need.  Are you on heightened alert to recognize those calls of S.O.S--"Save our souls"?   The lost may not admit to being lost, but within they know something is lacking.   They need someone to help show them the way.  Are you the one who can help?

         If you are already saved then praise God for that.  Now you should be sowing seeds of salvation with others you encounter.  Strengthen your own faith with study of the scriptures and pray that you can be useful in doing God's work.  The little things can add up to big change in the lives of others.
         If you do not feel that you have obtained the salvation through accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to seek out more information on the topic.  You can start by clicking on the tab above labeleTake the Next Step . If you have a friend or family member who you think can help you, talk to them.   Find a solid Bible believing church and get to know other Christians.  And above all, pray.   Prayer can do amazing things when it is earnest and sincere.  

          What will be the harvest of the seeds you sow in your life?   I pray that your work will result in a bountiful harvest and exceed all that you have imagined.

 If you would like to know more about a true life change in a positive direction, then please read Take the Next Step

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  1. Here is another S word,"Severed" I have now over this long week-end have accepted that Eldest son and daughter have severed all links with me.
    Now to rebuild my life. I still have John in Spain and hopefully visit him during the year. I want to get another book out next year so have a few goals and Keith and I are going to BRANSON MO. God willing in Nov. to see Daniel.

  2. As soon as I read "Are you on heightened alert to recognize those calls of S.O.S--"Save our souls"?" I thought about a neighbor who is struggling. Thanks for the kick to reach out, Arlee.
    Are you on heightened alert to recognize those calls of S.O.S--"Save our souls"?

  3. Hi, Arlee. Great blog post. I like your theme for the A to Z Challenge.

  4. This is my first time visiting this particular one of your blogs and it was a delight to read your S post. I have no idea what will be the harvest of the seeds that I sow (didn't even know that I was sowing any seeds) but my hope is that they will result in solutions rather than the struggle or suffering of myself or others.


  5. Thanks to all for the comments and support. Yes, solutions are what we need and we have them at our disposal if we are open to them.


  6. Great post. Sometimes we don't know how or when the seeds we sow will sprout, but we trust that God will rain down and water them so they will sprout and grow!

  7. Arlee, a wonderful post. I ask the Lord what He wants me to do for Him. He guides me to the right place to meet the right person to give them hope. Some are saved, some are not. I know when I get to the right place, usually never before. It is exciting when I get the revelation that I have accomplished what He had for me to do. I also empty myself of me and ask Holy Spirit to fill me with Him so when people look at me they see Jesus. What a wonderful life! Blessings.

  8. Lee,

    I am slowly making my way through all your blogs- I don't know how you do it.

    I have found that being a member of a church adds so much to my spirituality and to helping me do God's work.


Please offer your thoughts.