Saturday, April 7, 2012

Al Green

           Al Green is one of the great voices of soul and rhythm and blues music.   Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995, Green has a body of hits that guarantees his place in music history.

           A personal  tragedy in 1974 caused Green to begin to reevaluate his life.  Eventually he went into the ministry and to this day continues to pastor a church in Memphis, Tennessee.

          When I first heard "Everything Is Gonna be Alright" in 1987 I was blown away and Al Green's Soul Survivor album became one of my favorites.

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  1. Very nice song - very uplifting :)

    Fellow A-Z bloggy buddy
    Mithril Wisdom

  2. I enjoy Al Green tunes as well.

  3. I haven't really heard much Al Green but I just watched that video and I loved it. Great song! Thanks for sharing :)

    Here to Find Him


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