When I googled the definition for "zeal", the first one said: Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. Shouldn't that describe the way we should feel when we realize God's great love for us and the way we should respond in trying to please Him?
Instead it can be so easy to feel lackluster about our lives. We've been given the greatest gift and we quietly accept it with barely a thanks. We might pray obligatory prayers and maybe even go to church on Sundays. But how excited are we about God and the salvation He has provided through Jesus Christ.
Let the power of God energize you, lift you up, and fill you with a sharing spirit. There is a world of people out there waiting for Christ. A lot of them don't realize it because they are lost. We need to take the cover off the lamp and light the way for those who wander in the dark.
Be zealous for Jesus. Let zeal for the message provide you with the power to be motivated for God. Pray with vigor when aggressive prayer is what is needed. Pray with a quiet meditative demeanor when you want to commune with the spirit. Pray unceasingly for all things and all people.
Blessings will flow in abundance for those with a zealous love of God.
If you would like to know more about a true life change in a positive direction, then please visit Take the Next Step.